Entry-level Tutorial on the Model Checker

Difficulty: Blue trail – Easy

In this tutorial, we show how to turn an implementation of binary search into a TLA+ specification. This implementation is known to have an out-of-bounds error, which once existed in Java, see Nearly All Binary Searches and Mergesorts are Broken by Joshua Bloch (2006). Our goal is to write a specification after this implementation, not to write a specification of an abstract binary search algorithm. You can find such a specification and a proof in Proving Safety Properties and Binary search with a TLAPS proof by Leslie Lamport (2019).

This tutorial is written under the assumption that the reader does not have any knowledge of TLA+ and Apalache. Since we are not diving into protocol and algorithm specifications too quickly, this is a nice example to start with. We demonstrate how to use Apalache to find errors that are caused by integer overflow and the out-of-bounds error, which is caused by this overflow. We also show that the same overflow error prevents the algorithm from terminating in the number of steps that is expected from the binary search. Normally it is expected that the binary search terminates in log2(n) steps, where n is the length of the search interval.

Sometimes, we refer to the model checker TLC in this text. TLC is another model checker for TLA+ and was introduced in the late 90s. If you are new to TLA+ and want to learn more about TLC, check the TLC project and the TLA+ Video Course by Leslie Lamport. If you are an experienced TLC user, you will find this tutorial helpful too, as it demonstrates the strong points of Apalache.

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We assume that you have Apalache installed. If not, check the manual page on Apalache installation. The minimal required version is 0.22.0.

We provide all source files referenced in this tutorial as a ZIP archive download. We still recommend that you follow along typing the TLA+ examples yourself.

Running example: Binary search

We are not going to explain the idea of binary search in this tutorial. If you need more context on this, check the Wikipedia page on the Binary search algorithm. Let's jump straight into the Java code that is given in Nearly All Binary Searches and Mergesorts are Broken:

1:     public static int binarySearch(int[] a, int key) {
2:         int low = 0;
3:         int high = a.length - 1;
5:         while (low <= high) {
6:             int mid = (low + high) / 2;
7:             int midVal = a[mid];
9:             if (midVal < key)
10:                 low = mid + 1
11:             else if (midVal > key)
12:                 high = mid - 1;
13:             else
14:                 return mid; // key found
15:         }
16:         return -(low + 1);  // key not found.
17:     }

As was found by Joshua Bloch, the addition in line 6 may throw an out-of-bounds exception at line 7, due to an integer overflow. This is because low and high are signed integers, with a maximum value of 2^31 - 1. However, the sum of two values, each smaller than 2^31-1, may be greater than 2^31 -1. If this is the case, low + high can wrap into a negative number.

This bug was discussed in the TLA+ User Group in 2015. Let's see how TLA+ and Apalache can help us here. A bit of warning: The final TLA+ specification will happen to be longer than the 17 lines above. Don't get disappointed too fast. There are several reasons for that:

  1. TLA+ is not tuned towards one particular class of algorithms, e.g., sequential algorithms.

  2. Related to the previous point, TLA+ and Apalache are not tuned to C or Java programs. A software model checker such as CBMC, Stainless, or Coral would probably accept a shorter program, and it would check it faster. However, if you have a sledgehammer like TLA+, you don't have to learn other languages.

  3. We explicitly state the expected properties of the algorithm to be checked by Apalache. In imperative languages, these properties are usually omitted or written as plain-text comments.

  4. We have to introduce a bit of boilerplate, to make Apalache work.

Step 0: Introducing a template module

Source files for this step: BinSearch0.tla.

TLA+ is built around the concept of a state machine. The specified system starts in a state that is picked from the set of its initial states. This set of states is described with a predicate over states in TLA+. This predicate is usually called Init. Further, the state machine makes a transition from the current state to a successor state. These transitions are described with a predicate over pairs of states (current, successor) in TLA+. This predicate is usually called Next.

We start with the simplest possible specification of a single-state machine. If we visualize it as a state diagram, it looks like follows:

Tux, the Linux mascot

Let's open a new file called BinSearch0.tla and type a very minimal module definition:

--------------------------- MODULE BinSearch0 ---------------------------------
EXTENDS Integers, Sequences, Apalache

Init == TRUE

Next == TRUE


This module does not yet specify any part of the binary search implementation. However, it contains a few important things:

  • It imports constants and operators from three standard modules: Integers, Sequences, and Apalache.

  • It declares the predicate Init. This predicate describes the initial states of our state machine. Since we have not declared any variables, it defines the single possible state.

  • It declares the predicate Next. This predicate describes the transitions of our state machine. Again, there are no variables and Next == TRUE, so this transition defines the entire set of states as reachable in a single step.

Now it is a good time to check that Apalache works. Run the following command:

$ apalache-mc check BinSearch0.tla

The tool output is a bit verbose. Below, you can see the important lines of the output:

PASS #13: BoundedChecker
Step 0: picking a transition out of 1 transition(s)
Step 1: picking a transition out of 1 transition(s)
Step 10: picking a transition out of 1 transition(s)
The outcome is: NoError
Checker reports no error up to computation length 10

We can see that Apalache runs without finding an error, as expected.

If you are curious, replace TRUE with FALSE in either Init or Next, run Apalache again and observe what happens.

It is usually a good idea to start with a spec like BinSearch0.tla, to ensure that the tools are working.

Step 1: Introducing specification parameters

Source files for this step: BinSearch1.tla.

Diffs: BinSearch1.tla.patch.

The Java code of binarySearch accepts two parameters: an array of integers called a, and an integer called key. Similar to these parameters, we introduce two specification parameters (called CONSTANTS in TLA+):

  • the input sequence INPUT_SEQ, and
  • the element to search for INPUT_KEY.
--------------------------- MODULE BinSearch1 ---------------------------------
EXTENDS Integers, Sequences, Apalache

    \* The input sequence.
    \* @type: Seq(Int);
    \* The key to search for.
    \* @type: Int;

Importantly, the constants INPUT_SEQ and INPUT_KEY are prefixed with type annotations in the comments:

  • INPUT_SEQ has the type Seq(Int), that is, it is a sequence of integers (sequences in TLA+ are indexed), and
  • INPUT_KEY has the type Int, that is, it is an integer.

Recall that we wanted to specify signed and unsigned Java integers, which are 32 bits long. TLA+ is not tuned towards any computer architecture. Its integers are mathematical integers: always signed and arbitrarily large (unbounded). To model fixed bit-width integers, we introduce another constant INT_WIDTH of type Int:

    \* Bit-width of machine integers.
    \* @type: Int;

The benefit of defining the bit width as a parameter is that we can try our specification for various bit widths of integers: 4-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, etc. Similar to many programming languages, we introduce several constant definitions (a^b is a taken to the power of b):

\* the largest value of an unsigned integer
\* the largest value of a signed integer
MAX_INT  == 2^(INT_WIDTH - 1) - 1
\* the smallest value of a signed integer
MIN_INT  == -2^(INT_WIDTH - 1)

Note that these definitions do not constrain integers in any way. They are simply convenient names for the constants that we will need in the specification.

To make sure that the new specification does not contain syntax errors or type errors, execute:

$ apalache-mc check BinSearch1.tla

Step 2: Specifying the base case

Source files for this step: BinSearch2.tla.

Diffs: BinSearch2.tla.patch.

We start with the simplest possible case that occurs in binarySearch. Namely, we consider the case where low > high, that is, binarySearch never enters the loop.

Introduce variables. To do that, we have to finally introduce some variables. Obviously, we have to introduce variables low and high. This is how we do it:

    \* The low end of the search interval (inclusive).
    \* @type: Int;
    \* The high end of the search interval (inclusive).
    \* @type: Int;

The variables low and high are called state variables. They define a state of our state machine. That is, they are never introduced and never removed. Remember, TLA+ is not tuned towards any particular computer architecture, and thus it does not even have the notion of an execution stack. You can think of low and high as being global variables. Yes, global variables are generally frowned upon in programming languages. However, when dealing with a specification, they are much easier to reason about than the execution stack. We will demonstrate how to introduce local definitions later in this tutorial.

We introduce two additional variables, the purpose of which might be less obvious:

    \* Did the algorithm terminate.
    \* @type: Bool;
    \* The result when terminated.
    \* @type: Int;

The variable isTerminated indicates whether our search has terminated. Why do we even have to introduce it? Because, some computer systems are not designed with termination in mind. For instance, such distributed systems as the Internet and Bitcoin are designed to periodically serve incoming requests instead of producing a single output for a single input.

If we want to specify the Internet or Bitcoin, do we understand what it means for them to terminate?

The variable returnValue will contain the result of the binary search, when the search terminates. Recall, there is no execution stack. Hence, we introduce the variable returnValue right away. The downside is that we have to do bookkeeping for this variable.

Initialize variables. Having introduced the variables, we have to initialize them. That is, we want to specify lines 2–3 of the Java code:

1:     public static int binarySearch(int[] a, int key) {
2:         int low = 0;
3:         int high = a.length - 1;
17:    }

To this end, we change the body of the predicate Init to the following:

Init ==
  low = 0 /\ high = Len(INPUT_SEQ) - 1 /\ isTerminated = FALSE /\ returnValue = 0

You probably have guessed, what the above line means. Maybe you are a bit puzzled about the mountain-like operator /\. It is called conjunction, which is usually written as && or and in programming languages. The important effect of the above expression is that every variable in the left-hand side of = is required to have the value specified in the right-hand side of =1.

As it is hard to fit many expressions in one line, TLA+ offers special syntax for writing a big conjunction. Here is the standard way of writing Init (indentation is important):

\* Initialization step (lines 2-3)
Init ==
    /\ low = 0
    /\ high = Len(INPUT_SEQ) - 1
    /\ isTerminated = FALSE
    /\ returnValue = 0

The above lines do not deserve a lot of explanation. As you have probably guessed, Len(INPUT_SEQ) computes the length of the input sequence.


It is important to know that TLA+ does not impose any particular order of evaluation for /\. However, both Apalache and TLC evaluate some expressions of the form x = e in the initialization predicate as assignments. Hence, it is often a good idea to think about /\ as being evaluated from left to right.

Update variables. Having done all the preparatory work, we are now ready to specify the behavior in lines 5 and 16 of binarySearch.

1:     public static int binarySearch(int[] a, int key) {
2:         int low = 0;
3:         int high = a.length - 1;
5:         while (low <= high) {
15:        }
16:        return -(low + 1);  // key not found.
17:    }

To this end, we redefine Next as follows:

\* Computation step (lines 5-16)
Next ==
    IF ~isTerminated
    THEN IF low <= high
      THEN          \* lines 6-14: not implemented yet
        UNCHANGED <<low, high, isTerminated, returnValue>>
      ELSE          \* line 16
        /\ isTerminated' = TRUE
        /\ returnValue' = -(low + 1)
        /\ UNCHANGED <<low, high>>

Most likely, you have no problem reading this definition, except for the part that includes isTerminated', returnValue', and UNCHANGED. Recall that a transition predicate, like Next, specifies the relation between two states of the state machine; the current state, the variables of which are referenced by unprimed names, and the successor-state, the variables of which are referenced by primed names.

The expression isTerminated' = TRUE means that only states where isTerminated equals TRUE can be successors of the current state. In general, isTerminated' could also depend on the value of isTerminated, but here, it does not. Likewise, returnValue' = -(low + 1) means that returnValue has the value -(low + 1) in the next state. The expression UNCHANGED <<low, high>> is a convenient shortcut for writing low' = low /\ high' = high. Readers unfamiliar with specification languages might question the purpose of UNCHANGED, since in most programming languages variables only change when they are explicitly changed. However, a transition predicate, like Next, establishes a relation between pairs of states. If we were to omit UNCHANGED, this would mean that we consider states in which low and high have completely arbitrary values as valid successors. This is clearly not how Java code should behave. To encode Java semantics, we must therefore explicitly state that low and high do not change in this step.

It is important to understand that an expression like returnValue' = -(low + 1) does not immediately update the variable on the left-hand side. Hence, returnValue still refers to the value in the state before evaluation of Next, whereas returnValue' refers to the value in the state that is computed after evaluation of Next. You can think of the effect of x' = e being delayed until the whole predicate Next is evaluated.

Step 2b: Basic checks for the base case

Source files for this step: BinSearch2.tla and MC2_8.tla.

As we discussed, it is a good habit to periodically run the model checker, as you are writing the specification. Even if it doesn't check much, you would be able to catch the moment when the model checker slows down. This may give you a useful hint about changing a few things before you have written too much code.

Let us check BinSearch2.tla:

$ apalache-mc check BinSearch2.tla

If it is your first TLA+ specification, you may be surprised by this error:

PASS #13: BoundedChecker
This error may show up when CONSTANTS are not initialized.
Check the manual: https://apalache-mc.org/docs/apalache/parameters.html
Input error (see the manual): SubstRule: Variable INPUT_SEQ is not assigned a value

Apalache complains that we have declared several constants (INPUT_SEQ, INPUT_KEY, and INT_WIDTH), but we have never defined them.

Adding a model file. The standard approach in this case is either to fix all constants, or to introduce another module that fixes the parameters and instantiates the general specification. Although Apalache supports TLC Configuration Files, for the purpose of this tutorial, we will stick to tool-agnostic TLA+ syntax.

To this end, we add a new file MC2_8.tla with the following contents:

-------------------------- MODULE MC2_8 ---------------------------------------
\* an instance of BinSearch2 with all parameters fixed

\* fix 8 bits
\* the input sequence to try
\* @type: Seq(Int);
INPUT_SEQ == << >>
\* the element to search for

\* introduce the variables to be used in BinSearch2
    \* @type: Int;
    \* @type: Int;
    \* @type: Bool;
    \* @type: Int;

\* use an instance for the fixed constants

As you can see, we fix the values of all parameters. We are instantiating the module BinSearch2 with these fixed parameters. Since instantiation requires all constants and variables to be defined, we copy the variables definitions from BinSearch2.tla.

Since we are fixing the parameters with concrete values, MC2_8.tla looks very much like a unit test. It's a good start for debugging a few things, but since our program is entirely sequential, our specification is as good as a unit test. Later in this tutorial, we will show how to leverage Apalache to check properties for all possible inputs (up to some bound).

Let us check MC2_8.tla:

$ apalache-mc check MC2_8.tla
Checker reports no error up to computation length 10

This time Apalache has not complained. This is a good time to stop and think about whether the model checker has told us anything interesting. Kind of. It told us that it has not found any contradictions. But it did not tell us anything interesting about our expectations. Because we have not set our expectations yet!

Step 3: Specifying an invariant and checking it for the base case

Source files for this step: BinSearch3.tla and MC3_8.tla.

Diffs: BinSearch3.tla.patch and MC3_8.tla.patch.

What do we expect from binary search? We can check the Java documentation, e.g., Arrays.java in OpenJDK:

...the return value will be >= 0 if and only if the key is found.

This property is actually quite easy to write in TLA+. First, we introduce the property that we call ReturnValueIsCorrect:

\* The property of particular interest is this one:
\* "Note that this guarantees that the return value will be >= 0 if
\*  and only if the key is found."
ReturnValueIsCorrect ==
    LET MatchingIndices ==
        { i \in DOMAIN INPUT_SEQ: INPUT_SEQ[i] = INPUT_KEY }
    IF MatchingIndices /= {}
    THEN \* Indices in TLA+ start with 1, whereas the Java returnValue starts with 0
        returnValue + 1 \in MatchingIndices
    ELSE returnValue < 0

Let us decompose this property into smaller pieces. First, we define the set MatchingIndices:

ReturnValueIsCorrect ==
    LET MatchingIndices ==
        { i \in DOMAIN INPUT_SEQ: INPUT_SEQ[i] = INPUT_KEY }

With this TLA+ expression we define a local constant called MatchingIndices that is equal to the set of indices i in INPUT_SEQ so that the sequence elements at these indices are equal to INPUT_KEY. If this syntax is hard to parse for you, here is how we could write a similar definition in a functional programming language (Scala):

val MatchingIndices =
    INPUT_SEQ.indices.toSet.filter { i => INPUT_SEQ(i) == INPUT_KEY }

Since the sequence indices in TLA+ start with 1, we require that returnValue + 1 belongs to MatchingIndices when MatchingIndices is non-empty. If MatchingIndices is empty, we require returnValue to be negative.

We can check that the property ReturnValueIsCorrect is an invariant, that is, it holds in every state that is reachable from the states specified by Init via a sequence of transitions specified by Next:

$ apalache-mc check --inv=ReturnValueIsCorrect MC3_8.tla

This property is violated in the initial state. To see why, check the file counterexample1.tla.

Actually, we only expect this property to hold after the computation terminates, that is, when isTerminated equals to TRUE. Hence, we add the following invariant:

\* What we expect from the search when it is finished.
Postcondition ==
    isTerminated => ReturnValueIsCorrect

Digression: Boolean connectives. In the above code, the operator => is the Classical implication. In general, A => B is equivalent to IF A THEN B ELSE TRUE. The implication A => B is also equivalent to the TLA+ expression ~A \/ B, which one can read as "not A holds, or B holds". The operator \/ is called disjunction. As a reminder, here is the standard truth table for the Boolean connectives, which are no different from the Boolean logic in TLA+:

AB~AA \/ BA /\ BA => B

Checking Postcondition. Let us check Postcondition on MC3_8.tla:

$ apalache-mc check --inv=Postcondition MC3_8.tla

This property holds true. However, it's a small win, as MC3_8.tla fixes all parameters. Hence, we have checked the property just for one data point. In Step 5, we will check Postcondition for all sequences admitted by INT_WIDTH.

Step 4: Specifying the loop (with a caveat)

Source files for this step: BinSearch4.tla and MC4_8.tla.

Diffs: BinSearch4.tla.patch and MC4_8.tla.patch.

We specify the loop of binarySearch in TLA+ as follows:

\* Computation step (lines 5-16)
Next ==
    IF ~isTerminated
    THEN IF low <= high
      THEN          \* lines 6-14
        LET mid == (low + high) \div 2 IN
        LET midVal == INPUT_SEQ[mid + 1] IN
          \//\ midVal < INPUT_KEY \* lines 9-10
            /\ low' = mid + 1
            /\ UNCHANGED <<high, returnValue, isTerminated>>
          \//\ midVal > INPUT_KEY \* lines 11-12
            /\ high' = mid -1
            /\ UNCHANGED <<low, returnValue, isTerminated>>
          \//\ midVal = INPUT_KEY \* lines 13-14
            /\ returnValue' = mid
            /\ isTerminated' = TRUE
            /\ UNCHANGED <<low, high>>
      ELSE          \* line 16
        /\ isTerminated' = TRUE
        /\ returnValue' = -(low + 1)
        /\ UNCHANGED <<low, high>>
    ELSE            \* isTerminated
      UNCHANGED <<low, high, returnValue, isTerminated>>

Let's start with these two definitions:

        LET mid == (low + high) \div 2 IN
        LET midVal == INPUT_SEQ[mid + 1] IN

As you have probably guessed, we define two (local) values mid and midVal. The value mid is the average of low and high. The operator \div is simply integer division, which is usually written as / or // in programming languages. The value midVal is the value at the location mid + 1. Since the TLA+ sequence INPUT_SEQ has indices in the range 1..Len(INPUT_SEQ), whereas we are computing zero-based indices, we are adjusting the index by one, that is, we write INPUT_SEQ[mid + 1] instead of INPUT_SEQ[mid].

Warning: The definitions of mid and midVal do not properly reflect the Java code of binarySearch. We will fix them later. It is a good exercise to stop here and think about the source of this imprecision.

The following lines look like ASCII graphics, but by now you should know enough to read them:

        LET mid == (low + high) \div 2 IN
        LET midVal == INPUT_SEQ[mid + 1] IN
          \//\ midVal < INPUT_KEY \* lines 9-10
            /\ low' = mid + 1
            /\ UNCHANGED <<high, returnValue, isTerminated>>
          \//\ midVal > INPUT_KEY \* lines 11-12
            /\ high' = mid -1
            /\ UNCHANGED <<low, returnValue, isTerminated>>
          \//\ midVal = INPUT_KEY \* lines 13-14
            /\ returnValue' = mid
            /\ isTerminated' = TRUE
            /\ UNCHANGED <<low, high>>

These lines are the indented form of \/ for three cases:

  • when midVal < INPUT_KEY, or
  • when midVal > INPUT_KEY, or
  • when midVal = INPUT_KEY.

We could write these expressions with IF-THEN-ELSE or even with the TLA+ operator CASE (see Summary of TLA+). However, we find the disjunctive form to be the least cluttered, though unusual.

Now we can check the postcondition again:

$ apalache-mc check --inv=Postcondition MC4_8.tla

The check goes through, but did it do much? Recall, that we fixed INPUT_SEQ to be the empty sequence << >> in MC4_8.tla. Hence, we never enter the loop we have just specified.

Actually, Apalache gives us a hint that it never tries some of the cases:

PASS #13: BoundedChecker
State 0: Checking 1 state invariants
Step 0: picking a transition out of 1 transition(s)
Step 1: Transition #0 is disabled
Step 1: Transition #1 is disabled
Step 1: Transition #2 is disabled
Step 1: Transition #3 is disabled
State 1: Checking 1 state invariants
Step 1: picking a transition out of 1 transition(s)
Step 2: Transition #0 is disabled
Step 2: Transition #1 is disabled
Step 2: Transition #2 is disabled
Step 2: Transition #4 is disabled
Step 2: picking a transition out of 1 transition(s)

Digression: symbolic transitions. Internally, Apalache decomposes the predicates Init and Next into independent pieces like Init == Init$0 \/ Init$1 and Next == Next$0 \/ Next$1 \/ Next$2 \/ Next$3. If you want to see how it is done, run Apalache with the options --write-intermediate and --run-dir:

$ apalache-mc check --inv=Postcondition --write-intermediate=1 --run-dir=out MC4_8.tla

Check the file out/intermediate/XX_OutTransitionFinderPass.tla, which contains the preprocessed specification that has Init and Next decomposed. You can find a detailed explanation in the section on Assignments in Apalache.

Step 5: Checking Postcondition for plenty of inputs

Source files for this step: BinSearch5.tla and MC5_8.tla.

Diffs: BinSearch5.tla.patch and MC5_8.tla.patch.

In this step, we are going to check the invariant Postcondition for all possible input sequences and all input keys (for a fixed bit-width).

Create the file MC5_8.tla with the following contents:

-------------------------- MODULE MC5_8 ---------------------------------------
\* an instance of BinSearch5 with all parameters fixed
EXTENDS Apalache

\* fix 8 bits

\* We do not fix INT_SEQ and INPUT_KEY.
\* Instead, we reason about all sequences with ConstInit.

    \* The input sequence.
    \* @type: Seq(Int);
    \* The key to search for.
    \* @type: Int;

\* introduce the variables to be used in BinSearch5
    \* @type: Int;
    \* @type: Int;
    \* @type: Bool;
    \* @type: Int;

\* use an instance for the fixed constants


Note that we introduced INPUT_SEQ and INPUT_KEY as parameters again. We cannot check MC5_8.tla just like that. If we try to check MC5_8.tla, Apalache would complain again about a value missing for INPUT_SEQ.

To check the invariant for all sequences, we will use two advanced features of Apalache: ConstInit predicate and Value generators.

ConstInit. This idiom allows us to initialize CONSTANTS with a TLA+ formula. Let us introduce the following operator definition in MC5_8.tla:

ConstInit ==
    /\ INPUT_KEY \in Int
    \* Seq(Int) is a set of all sequences that have integers as elements
    /\ INPUT_SEQ \in Seq(Int) 

This is a straightforward definition. However, it does not work in Apalache:

$ apalache-mc check --cinit=ConstInit --inv=Postcondition MC5_8.tla
MC5_8.tla:39:22-39:29: unsupported expression: Seq(_) produces an infinite set of unbounded sequences.
Checker has found an error

The issue with our definition of ConstInit is that it requires the model checker to reason about the infinite set of sequences, namely, Seq(Int). Interestingly, the model checking does not complain about the expression INPUT_KEY \in Int. The reason is that this expression requires the model checker to reason about one integer, though it ranges over the infinite set of integers.

Value generators. Fortunately, this problem can be easily circumvented by using Apalache Value generators2.

Let us rewrite ConstInit in MC5_8.tla as follows:

ConstInit ==
    /\ INPUT_KEY = Gen(1)
    /\ INPUT_SEQ = Gen(MAX_INT)

In this new version, we use the Apalache operator Gen to:

  • produce an unrestricted integer to be used as a value of INPUT_KEY and
  • produce a sequence of integers to be used as a value of INPUT_SEQ. This sequence is unrestricted, except its length is bounded with MAX_INT, which is exactly what we need in our case study.

The operator Gen introduces a data structure of a proper type whose size is bounded with the argument of Gen. For instance, the type of INPUT_SEQ is the sequence of integers, and thus Gen(MAX_INT) produces an unrestricted sequence of up to MAX_INT elements. This sequence is bound to the name INPUT_SEQ. For details, see Value generators. This lets Apalache check all instances of the data structure, without enumerating the instances!

By doing so, we are able to check the specification for all the inputs, when we fix the bit width. To quickly get feedback from Apalache, we fix INT_WIDTH to 8 in the model MC5_8.tla.


If you know property-based testing, e.g., QuickCheck, Apalache generators are inspired by this idea. In contrast to property-based testing, an Apalache generator is not randomly producing values. Rather, Apalache simply introduces an unconstrained data structure (e.g., a set, a function, or a sequence) of the proper type. Hence, Apalache is reasoning about all possible instances of this data structure, instead of reasoning about a small set of randomly chosen instances.

Let us check Postcondition again:

$ apalache-mc check --cinit=ConstInit --inv=Postcondition MC5_8.tla
State 2: state invariant 0 violated. Check the counterexample in: 
  /[a long path]/counterexample1.tla

Let us inspect the counterexample:

---------------------------- MODULE counterexample ----------------------------  

(* Constant initialization state *)
ConstInit == INPUT_KEY = -1 /\ INPUT_SEQ = <<0, -1>>

(* Initial state *)
State0 ==
  INPUT_KEY = -1
    /\ INPUT_SEQ = <<0, -1>>
    /\ high = 1
    /\ isTerminated = FALSE
    /\ low = 0
    /\ returnValue = 0

(* Transition 1 to State1 *)
State1 ==
  INPUT_KEY = -1
    /\ INPUT_SEQ = <<0, -1>>
    /\ high = -1
    /\ isTerminated = FALSE
    /\ low = 0
    /\ returnValue = 0

(* Transition 3 to State2 *)
State2 ==
  INPUT_KEY = -1
    /\ INPUT_SEQ = <<0, -1>>
    /\ high = -1
    /\ isTerminated = TRUE
    /\ low = 0
    /\ returnValue = -1

Is it a real issue? It is, but it is not the issue of the search, rather our invariant Postcondition is imprecise.

Step 5b: Fixing the postcondition

Source files for this step: BinSearch5.tla and MC5_8.tla.

If we check our source of truth, that is, the Java documentation in Arrays.java in OpenJDK, we will see the following sentences:

The range must be sorted (as by the {@link #sort(int[], int, int)} method)
prior to making this call. If it is not sorted, the results are undefined.
If the range contains multiple elements with the specified value, there is
no guarantee which one will be found.

It is quite easy to add this constraint 3. This is where TLA+ starts to shine:

InputIsSorted ==
    \* The most straightforward way to specify sortedness
    \* is to use two quantifiers,
    \* but that would produce O(Len(INPUT_SEQ)^2) constraints.
    \* Here, we write it a bit smarter.
    \A i \in DOMAIN INPUT_SEQ:
        i + 1 \in DOMAIN INPUT_SEQ =>
          INPUT_SEQ[i] <= INPUT_SEQ[i + 1]


\* What we expect from the search when it is finished.
PostconditionSorted ==
    isTerminated => (~InputIsSorted \/ ReturnValueIsCorrect)

If we check PostconditionSorted, we do not get any error after 10 steps:

$ apalache-mc check --cinit=ConstInit --inv=PostconditionSorted MC5_8.tla
The outcome is: NoError
Checker reports no error up to computation length 10

It takes some time to explore all executions of length up to 10 steps, for all input sequences of length up to 2^7 - 1 arbitrary integers. If we think about it, the model checker managed to crunch infinitely many numbers in several hours. Not bad.

Exercise. If you are impatient, you can check PostconditionSorted for the configuration that has integer width of 4 bits. It takes only a few seconds to explore all executions.


Instead of checking whether INPUT_SEQ is sorted in the post-condition, we could restrict the constant INPUT_SEQ to be sorted in every execution. That would effectively move this constraint into the pre-condition of the search. Had we done that, we would not be able to observe the behavior of the search on the unsorted inputs. An important property is whether the search is terminating on all inputs.

Step 6: Checking termination and progress

Source files for this step: BinSearch6.tla and MC6_8.tla.

Diffs: BinSearch6.tla.patch and MC6_8.tla.patch.

Actually, we do not need 10 steps to check termination for the case INT_WIDTH = 8. If you recall the complexity of the binary search, it needs ceil(log2(Len(INPUT_SEQ))) steps to terminate.

To check this property, we add the number of steps as a variable in BinSearch6.tla and in MC6_8.tla:

    \* The number of executed steps.
    \* @type: Int;

Also, we update Init and Next in BinSearch6.tla as follows:

Init ==
    /\ nSteps = 0

Next ==
    IF ~isTerminated
    THEN IF low <= high
      THEN          \* lines 6-14
        /\ nSteps' = nSteps + 1
        /\ LET mid == (low + high) \div 2 IN
      ELSE          \* line 16
        /\ isTerminated' = TRUE
        /\ returnValue' = -(low + 1)
        /\ UNCHANGED <<low, high, nSteps>>
    ELSE            \* isTerminated
      UNCHANGED <<low, high, returnValue, isTerminated, nSteps>>

Having nSteps, we can write the Termination property:

\* We know the exact number of steps to show termination.
Termination ==
    (nSteps >= INT_WIDTH) => isTerminated

Let us check Termination:

$ apalache-mc check --cinit=ConstInit --inv=Termination MC6_8.tla
Checker reports no error up to computation length 10
It took me 0 days  0 hours  0 min 19 sec

Even if we did not know the precise complexity of the binary search, we could write a simpler property, which demonstrates the progress of the search:

Progress ==
    ~isTerminated' => (low' > low \/ high' < high)

It takes about 10 seconds to check Progress as well.

Step 7: Fixed-width integers

Source files for this step: BinSearch7.tla and MC7_8.tla.

Diffs: BinSearch7.tla.patch and MC7_8.tla.patch.

Do you recall that our specification of the loop had a caveat? Let us have a look at this piece of the specification again:

    IF ~isTerminated
    THEN IF low <= high
      THEN          \* lines 6-14
        /\ nSteps' = nSteps + 1
        /\ LET mid == (low + high) \div 2 IN
           LET midVal == INPUT_SEQ[mid + 1] IN
            \//\ midVal < INPUT_KEY \* lines 9-10
              /\ low' = mid + 1
              /\ UNCHANGED <<high, returnValue, isTerminated>>
            \//\ midVal > INPUT_KEY \* lines 11-12
              /\ high' = mid -1
              /\ UNCHANGED <<low, returnValue, isTerminated>>
            \//\ midVal = INPUT_KEY \* lines 13-14
              /\ returnValue' = mid
              /\ isTerminated' = TRUE
              /\ UNCHANGED <<low, high>>

You can see that all arithmetic operations are performed over TLA+ integers, that is, unbounded integers. We have to implement fixed-width integers ourselves. Fortunately, we do not have to implement the whole set of integer operators, but only the addition over signed integers, which has a potential to overflow. To this end, we have to recall how signed integers are represented in modern computers, see Two's complement. Fortunately, we do not have to worry about an efficient implementation of integer addition. We simply use addition over unbounded integers to implement addition over fixed-width integers:

\* Addition over fix-width integers.
IAdd(i, j) ==
    \* add two integers with unbounded arithmetic
    LET res == i + j IN
    IF MIN_INT <= res /\ res <= MAX_INT
    THEN res
    ELSE \* wrap the result over 2^INT_WIDTH (probably redundant)
        LET wrapped == res % MAX_UINT IN
        IF wrapped <= MAX_INT
        THEN wrapped    \* a positive integer, return as is
        ELSE \* complement the value to represent it with an unbounded integer
          -(MAX_UINT - wrapped)

Having defined IAdd, we replace addition over unbounded integers with IAdd:

Next ==
    IF ~isTerminated
    THEN IF low <= high
      THEN          \* lines 6-14
        /\ nSteps' = nSteps + 1
        /\ LET mid == IAdd(low, high) \div 2 IN
           LET midVal == INPUT_SEQ[mid + 1] IN
            \//\ midVal < INPUT_KEY \* lines 9-10
              /\ low' = IAdd(mid, 1)
              /\ UNCHANGED <<high, returnValue, isTerminated>>
            \//\ midVal > INPUT_KEY \* lines 11-12
              /\ high' = IAdd(mid, - 1)
              /\ UNCHANGED <<low, returnValue, isTerminated>>
            \//\ midVal = INPUT_KEY \* lines 13-14
              /\ returnValue' = mid
              /\ isTerminated' = TRUE
              /\ UNCHANGED <<low, high>>
      ELSE          \* line 16

This finally gives us a specification that faithfully represents the Java code of binarySearch. Now we can check all expected properties once again:

$ apalache-mc check --cinit=ConstInit --inv=PostconditionSorted MC7_8.tla
State 2: state invariant 0 violated.
Total time: 2.786 sec
$ apalache-mc check --cinit=ConstInit --inv=Progress MC7_8.tla
State 1: action invariant 0 violated.
Total time: 2.935 sec
$ apalache-mc check --cinit=ConstInit --inv=Termination MC7_8.tla
State 8: state invariant 0 violated.
Total time: 39.540 sec

As we can see, all of our invariants are violated. They all demonstrate the issue that is caused by the integer overflow!

Step 8: Checking the boundaries

Source files for this step: BinSearch8.tla and MC8_8.tla.

Diffs: BinSearch8.tla.patch and MC8_8.tla.patch.

As we have seen in Step 7, the cause of all errors in PostconditionSorted, Termination, and Progress is that the addition low + high overflows and thus the expression INPUT_SEQ[mid + 1] accesses INPUT_SEQ outside of its domain.

Why did Apalache not complain about access outside of the domain? Its behavior is actually consistent with Specifying Systems (p. 302):

A function f has a domain DOMAIN f, and the value of f[v] is specified only if v is an element of DOMAIN f.

Hence, Apalache returns some value of a proper type, if v is outside of DOMAIN f. As we have seen in Step 7, such a value would usually show up in a counterexample. In the future, Apalache will probably have an automatic check for out-of-domain access. For the moment, we can write such a check as a state invariant. By propagating the conditions from INPUT_SEQ[mid + 1] up in Next, we construct the following invariant:

\* Make sure that INPUT_SEQ is accessed within its bounds
InBounds ==
  LET mid == IAdd(low, high) \div 2 IN
  \* collect the conditions of IF-THEN-ELSE
  ~isTerminated =>
    ((low <= high) =>
      (mid + 1) \in DOMAIN INPUT_SEQ)

Apalache finds a violation of this invariant in a few seconds:

$ apalache-mc check --cinit=ConstInit --inv=InBounds MC8_8.tla
State 1: state invariant 0 violated.
Total time: 3.411 sec

If we check counterexample1.tla, it contains the following values for low and high:

State0 ==
    /\ high = 116
    /\ low = 0

State1 ==
    /\ high = 116
    /\ low = 59

In state 1, we have low + high = 116 + 59 > 2^7. Since we have INT_WIDTH = 8, we have IAdd(116, 59) = -81.

Step 9: Fixing the access bug

Source files for this step: BinSearch9.tla and MC9_8.tla.

Diffs: BinSearch9.tla.patch and MC9_8.tla.patch.

Let us apply the fix that was proposed by Joshua Bloch in Nearly All Binary Searches and Mergesorts are Broken. Namely, we update this line of BinSearch8.tla:

        /\ LET mid == IAdd(low, high) \div 2 IN
           LET midVal == INPUT_SEQ[mid + 1] IN

The fix is as follows:

        /\ LET mid == IAdd(low, IAdd(high, -low) \div 2) IN
           LET midVal == INPUT_SEQ[mid + 1] IN

We also update InBounds as follows:

\* Make sure that INPUT_SEQ is accessed within its bounds
InBounds ==
  LET mid == IAdd(low, IAdd(high, -low) \div 2) IN

Now we check the four invariants: InBounds, PostconditionSorted, Termination, and Progress.

$ apalache-mc check --cinit=ConstInit --inv=InBounds MC9_8.tla
The outcome is: NoError
Total time: 76.352 sec
$ apalache-mc check --cinit=ConstInit --inv=Progress MC9_8.tla
The outcome is: NoError
Total time: 63.578 sec
$ apalache-mc check --cinit=ConstInit --inv=Termination MC9_8.tla
The outcome is: NoError
Total time: 72.682 sec
$ apalache-mc check --cinit=ConstInit --inv=PostconditionSorted MC9_8.tla
The outcome is: NoError
Total time: 2154.646 sec

Exercise: It takes quite a bit of time to check PostconditionSorted. Change INT_WIDTH to 6 and check all these invariants once again. Observe that it takes Apalache significantly less time.

Exercise: Change INT_WIDTH to 16 and check all these invariants once again. Observe that it takes Apalache significantly more time.

Step 10: Beautifying the specification

Source files for this step: BinSearch10.tla and MC10_8.tla.

Diffs: BinSearch10.tla.patch and MC10_8.tla.patch.

We have reached our goals: TLA+ and Apalache helped us in finding the access bug and showing that its fix works. Now it is time to look back at the specification and make it easier to read.

Let us have a look at our definition of Next:

\* Computation step (lines 5-16)
Next ==
    IF ~isTerminated
    THEN IF low <= high
      THEN          \* lines 6-14
        /\ nSteps' = nSteps + 1
        /\ LET mid == IAdd(low, IAdd(high, -low) \div 2) IN
           LET midVal == INPUT_SEQ[mid + 1] IN
            \//\ midVal < INPUT_KEY \* lines 9-10
              /\ low' = IAdd(mid, 1)
              /\ UNCHANGED <<high, returnValue, isTerminated>>
            \//\ midVal > INPUT_KEY \* lines 11-12
              /\ high' = IAdd(mid, - 1)
              /\ UNCHANGED <<low, returnValue, isTerminated>>
            \//\ midVal = INPUT_KEY \* lines 13-14
              /\ returnValue' = mid
              /\ isTerminated' = TRUE
              /\ UNCHANGED <<low, high>>
      ELSE          \* line 16
        /\ isTerminated' = TRUE
        /\ returnValue' = -(low + 1)
        /\ UNCHANGED <<low, high, nSteps>>
    ELSE            \* isTerminated
      UNCHANGED <<low, high, returnValue, isTerminated, nSteps>>

Next contains a massive expression. We can decompose it nicely in smaller pieces:

\* loop iteration
LoopIteration ==
    /\ ~isTerminated
    /\ low <= high      \* lines 6-14
    /\ nSteps' = nSteps + 1
    /\ LET mid == IAdd(low, IAdd(high, -low) \div 2) IN
       LET midVal == INPUT_SEQ[mid + 1] IN
          \//\ midVal < INPUT_KEY \* lines 9-10
            /\ low' = IAdd(mid, 1)
            /\ UNCHANGED <<high, returnValue, isTerminated>>
          \//\ midVal > INPUT_KEY \* lines 11-12
            /\ high' = IAdd(mid, - 1)
            /\ UNCHANGED <<low, returnValue, isTerminated>>
          \//\ midVal = INPUT_KEY \* lines 13-14
            /\ returnValue' = mid
            /\ isTerminated' = TRUE
            /\ UNCHANGED <<low, high>>

\* loop termination
LoopExit ==
    /\ ~isTerminated        \* line 16
    /\ low > high
    /\ isTerminated' = TRUE
    /\ returnValue' = -(low + 1)
    /\ UNCHANGED <<low, high, nSteps>>

\* instead of terminating the computation, we keep variables unchanged
StutterOnTermination ==
    /\ isTerminated
    /\ UNCHANGED <<low, high, returnValue, isTerminated, nSteps>>

\* Computation step (lines 5-16)
Next ==
    \/ LoopIteration
    \/ LoopExit
    \/ StutterOnTermination

The definitions LoopIteration, LoopExit, and StutterOnTermination are called actions in TLA+. It is usually a good idea to decompose a large Next formula into actions. Normally, an action contains assignments to all primed variables.


The final specifications can be found in BinSearch10.tla and MC10_8.tla.

In this tutorial, we have shown how to:

  • Specify the behavior of a sequential algorithm (binary search).
  • Specify invariants that check safety and termination.
  • Take into account the specifics of a computer architecture (fixed bit width).
  • Automatically find examples of simultaneous invariant violation.
  • Efficiently check the expected properties against our specification.

We have written our specification for parameterized bit width. This lets us check the invariants relatively quickly and get fast feedback from the model checker. We chose a bit width of 8, a non-trivial value for which Apalache terminates within a reasonable time. Importantly, the specification for the bit width of 32 stays the same; we only have to change INT_WIDTH. Of course, Apalache reaches its limits when we set INT_WIDTH to 16 or 32. In these cases, it has to reason about all sequences of length up to 32,767 elements or 2 Billion elements, respectively!

Apalache gives us a good idea whether the properties of our binary search specification hold true. However, it does not give us an ultimate proof of correctness for Java integers. If you need such a proof, you should probably use TLAPS. Check the paper on Proving Safety Properties by Leslie Lamport.

This tutorial is rather long. This is because we wanted to show the evolution of a TLA+ specification, as we were writing it and checking it with Apalache. There are many different styles of writing TLA+ specifications. One of our goals was to demonstrate the incremental approach to specification writing. In fact, this approach is not very different from incremental development of programs in the spirit of Test-driven development. It took us 2 to 3 hours to iteratively develop a specification that is similar to the one demonstrated in this tutorial.

This tutorial touches upon the basics of TLA+ and Apalache. For instance, we did not discuss non-determinism, as our specification is entirely deterministic. We will demonstrate advanced features in future tutorials.

If you are experiencing a problem with Apalache, feel free to open an issue or drop us a message on Zulip chat.