Here is the list of the TLA+ language features that are currently supported by Apalache, following the Summary of TLA+.

Safety vs. Liveness

At the moment, Apalache is able to check state invariants, action invariants, temporal properties, trace invariants, as well as inductive invariants. (See the page on invariants in the manual.) To check liveness/temporal properties, we employ a liveness-to-safety transformation.


Module-Level constructs

EXTENDS module-A few standard modules are not supported yet (Bags)
CONSTANTS C1, C2-Either define a ConstInit operator to initialize the constants, use a .cfg file, or declare operators instead of constants, e.g., C1 == 111
VARIABLES x, y, z-
ASSUME P✔ / ✖-Parsed, but not propagated to the solver
F(x1, ..., x_n) == exp✔ / ✖-Every application of F is replaced with its body. Recursive operators not supported after 0.23.1. From 0.16.1 and later, for better performance and UX, use ApaFoldSet and ApaFoldSeqLeft.
f[x ∈ S] == exp✔ / ✖-Recursive functions not supported after 0.23.1. From 0.16.1 and later, for better performance and UX, use ApaFoldSet and ApaFoldSeqLeft.
INSTANCE M WITH ...✔ / ✖-No special treatment for ~>, \cdot, ENABLED
N(x1, ..., x_n) == INSTANCE M WITH...✔ / ✖-Parameterized instances are not supported
THEOREM P✔ / ✖-Parsed but not used
LOCAL def-Replaced with local LET-IN definitions

The constant operators


/\, \/, ~, =>, <=>-
\A x \in S: p, \E x \in S : p-
CHOOSE x \in S : p-Partial support prior to version 0.16.1. From 0.16.1 and later, use Some, ApaFoldSet, or ApaFoldSeqLeft. See #841.
CHOOSE x : x \notin S-Not supported. You can use records or a default value such as -1.
\A x : p, \E x : p-Use bounded quantifiers
CHOOSE x : p-


Note: only finite sets are supported. Additionally, existential quantification over Int and Nat is supported, as soon as it can be replaced with a constant.

=, /=, \in, \notin, \intersect, \union, \subseteq, \-
{e_1, ..., e_n}-
{x \in S : p}-
{e : x \in S}-
SUBSET S-Sometimes, the powersets are expanded
UNION S-Provided that S is expanded


[ x \in S ↦ e]-
[ S -> T ]-Supported, provided the function can be interpreted symbolically
[ f EXCEPT ![e1] = e2 ]-


Use type annotations to help the model checker in finding the right types. Note that our type system distinguishes records from general functions.

r[e]✔/✖-Provided that e is a constant expression.
[ h1 ↦ e1, ..., h_n ↦ e_n]-
[ h1 : S1, ..., h_n : S_n]-
[ r EXCEPT !.h = e]-


Use type annotations to help the model checker in finding the right types. Note that our type system distinguishes records from general functions.

e[i]✔ / ✖-Provided that i is a constant expression
<< e1, ..., e_n >>-Use a type annotation to distinguish between a tuple and a sequence.
S1 \X ... \X S_n-
[ t EXCEPT ![i] = e]✔/✖-Provided that i is a constant expression

Strings and numbers

"c1...c_n"-A string is always mapped to a unique uninterpreted constant
STRING-It is an infinite set. We cannot handle infinite sets.
d1...d_n-As long as the SMT solver (Z3) accepts that large number
d1...d_n.d_n+1...d_m-Technical issue. We will implement it upon a user request.

Miscellaneous Constructs

IF p THEN e1 ELSE e2-Provided that both e1 and e2 have the same type
CASE p1 -> e1 [] ... [] p_n -> e_n [] OTHER -> e-Provided that e1, ..., e_n, e have the same type
CASE p1 -> e1 [] ... [] p_n -> e_n-Provided that e1, ..., e_n have the same type
LET d1 == e1 ... d_n == e_n IN eAll applications of d1, ..., d_n are replaced with the expressions e1, ... e_n respectively. LET-definitions without arguments are kept in place.
multi-line /\ and \/-

The Action Operators

< A >_e-
ENABLED A-Has to be specified manually
UNCHANGED <<e_1, ..., e_k>>-Always replaced with e_1' = e_1 /\ ... /\ e_k' = e_k
A ∙ B-

The Temporal Operators

WF_e(A)-Has to be specified manually (see ENABLED)
SF_e(A)-Has to be specified manually (see ENABLED)
F ~> G-Always replaced with [](F => <>G)
F -+-> G-
\EE x: F-
\AA x: F-

The model checker assumes that the specification has the form Init /\ [][Next]_e. Other than that, temporal operators may only appear in temporal properties, not in e.g. actions.

Standard modules

Integers and Naturals

For the moment, the model checker does not differentiate between integers and naturals. They are all translated as integers in SMT.

+, -, *, <=, >=, <, >-These operators are translated into integer arithmetic of the SMT solver. Linear integer arithmetic is preferred.
\div, %-Integer division and modulo
a^b✔ / ✖-Provided a and b are constant expressions
a..b✔ / ✖-Sometimes, a..b needs a constant upper bound on the range. When Apalache complains, use {x \in A..B : a <= x /\ x <= b}, provided that A and B are constant expressions.
Int, Nat✔ / ✖-Supported in \E x \in Nat: p and \E x \in Int: p, if the expression is not located under \A and ~. We also support assignments like f' \in [S -> Int] and tests f \in [S -> Nat]
/-Real division, not supported


<<...>>Often needs a type annotation.
Head, Tail, Len``, SubSeq, Append, \o, f[e]`-
SelectSeq-Not as efficient, as it could be, see #1350.
Seq(S)-Use Gen of Apalache to produce bounded sequences


IsFinite-Always returns true, as all the supported sets are finite
Cardinality-Try to avoid it, as Cardinality(S) produces O(n^2) constraints in SMT for cardinality n


a :> b-A singleton function <<a, b>>
f @@ g-Extends function f with the domain and values of function g but keeps the values of f where domains overlap
Other operatorsDummy definitions for spec compatibility


Not supported, not a priority