
This page collects known antipaterns (APs) when writing TLA+ for Apalache. In this context, APs are syntactic forms or specification approaches that, for one reason or another, have particularly slow/complex encodings for the target model checker. For a pattern to be an AP, there must exist a known, equivalent, efficient pattern.

Often, APs arise from a user's past experiences with writing TLA+ for TLC, or from a direct translation of imperative OOP code into TLA+, as those follow a different paradigm, and therefore entail different cost evaluation of which expressions are slow/complex and which are not.

CHOOSE-based recursion

Often, operators that represent operations over sets have the following shape:

RECURSIVE F(_) F(S) == IF S == {} THEN v ELSE LET e == CHOOSE x \in S: TRUE IN G(F( S \ {e} ), e )

For example, one can implement min/max operators this way:

RECURSIVE min(_) min(S) == IF S == {} THEN Infinity ELSE LET e == CHOOSE x \in S: TRUE IN LET minOther == min( S \ {e} ) IN IF e < minOther THEN e ELSE minOther

Apalache dislikes the use of the above, for several reasons. Firstly, since the operator is RECURSIVE, Apalache does not support it after version 0.23.1. In earlier versions Apalache requires a predefined upper bound on unrolling, which means that the user must know, ahead of time, what the largest |S| is, for any set S, to which this operator is ever applied. In addition, computing F for a set S of size n = |S| requires n encodings of a CHOOSE operation, which can be considerably expensive in Apalache. Lastly, Apalache also needs to encode all the the n intermediate sets, S \ {e1}, (S \ {e1}) \ {e2}, ((S \ {e1}) \ {e2}) \ {e3}, and so on.

The AP above can be replaced by a very simple pattern:

F(S) == ApaFoldSet( G, v, S )

ApaFoldSet (and ApaFoldSeqLeft) were introduced precisely for these scenarios, and should be used over RECURSIVE + CHOOSE in most cases.

Incremental computation

Often, users introduce an expression Y, which is derived from another expression X (Y == F(X), for some F). Instead of defining Y directly, in terms of the properties it possesses, it is possible to define all the intermediate steps of transforming X into Y: "X is slightly changed into X1 (e.g. by adding one element to a set, or via EXCEPT), which is changed into X2, etc. until Xn = Y". Doing this in Apalache is almost always a bad idea, if a direct characterization of Y exists.

Concretely, the following constructs are APs:

  1. Incremental EXCEPT
G == LET F(g, x) == [g EXCEPT ![x] = A(x)] IN ApaFoldSet(F, f, S)
  1. Incremental \union
R == LET F(T, e) == T \union {A(e)} IN ApaFoldSet(F, S0, S)
  1. Chained @@/:>
f == ( k1 :> A(k1) ) @@ ( k2 :> A(k2) ) @@ ... @@ ( kn :> A(kn) )

For example:

f == [ x \in 1..20 |-> 0 ] Y == LET F(g, x) == [g EXCEPT ![x] = x * x] IN ApaFoldSet(F, f, 7..12 )

TLC likes these sorts of operations, because it manipulates programming-language objects in its own implementation. This makes it easy to construct temporary mutable objects, manipulate them (e.g. via for-loops) and garbage-collect them after they stop being useful. For constraint-based approaches, like Apalache, the story is different. Not only are these intermediate steps not directly useful (since Apalache is not modeling TLA+ expressions as objects in Scala), they actually hurt performance, since they can generate a significant amount of constraints, which are all about describing data structures (e.g. two functions being almost equal, except at one point). Essentially, Apalache is spending its resources not on state-space exploration, but on in-state value computation, which is not its strong suit. Below we show how to rewrite these APs.

  1. Incremental EXCEPT: Replace
G == LET F(g, x) == [g EXCEPT ![x] = A(x)] IN ApaFoldSet(F, f, S)


G == [ x \in DOMAIN f |-> IF x \in S THEN A(x) ELSE f[x] ]
  1. Incremental \union: Replace
R == LET F(T, e) == T \union {A(e)} IN ApaFoldSet(F, S0, S)


R == S0 \union { A(e): e \in S }
  1. Iterated @@/:>: Replace
f == ( k1 :> A(k1) ) @@ ( k2 :> A(k2) ) @@ ... @@ ( kn :> A(kn) )


f == [ k \in {k1,...,kn} |-> A(k) ]