Using a docker image

We publish Docker images for every release 😎

NOTE: Running Apalache through a docker application image complicates configuration of the tool considerably. Unless you have a pressing need to use the docker image, we recommend using one of our prebuilt releases.

Docker lets you run the Apalache tool from inside an isolated container. The only dependency required to run Apalache is a suitable JVM, and the container supplies this. However, you must already have docker installed.

To get the latest Apalache image, issue the command:

docker pull

Running the docker image

To run an Apalache image, issue the command:

$ docker run --rm -v <your-spec-directory>:/var/apalache <args>

The following docker parameters are used:

  • --rm to remove the container on exit

  • -v <your-spec-directory>:/var/apalache bind-mounts <your-spec-directory> into /var/apalache in the container. This is necessary for Apalache to access your specification and the modules it extends. From the user perspective, it works as if Apalache was executing in <your-spec-directory>. In particular, the tool logs are written in that directory.

    When using SELinux, you might have to use the modified form of -v option: -v <your-spec-directory>:/var/apalache:z

  • apalache-mc/apalache is the APALACHE docker image name. By default, the latest stable version is used; you can also refer to a specific tool version, e.g., apalache-mc/apalache:0.6.0 or apalache-mc/apalache:main

  • <args> are the tool arguments as described in Running the Tool.

We provide a convenience wrapper for this docker command in script/ Assuming you've downloaded the Apalache source code into a directory located at APALACHE_HOME, you can run the latest image via the script by running:

$ $APALACHE_HOME/script/ <args>

To specify a different image, set APALACHE_TAG like so:

$ APALACHE_TAG=foo $APALACHE_HOME/script/ <args>

Setting an alias

If you are running Apalache on Linux 🐧 or macOS 🍏, you can define this handy alias in your rc file, which runs Apalache in docker while sharing the working directory:

###### using the latest stable

$ alias apalache='docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/var/apalache'

###### using the latest main

$ alias apalache='docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/var/apalache'

Using the development branch of Apalache

The development of Apalache proceeds at a quick pace, and we cut releases weekly. Please refer to the changelog and the manual on the main development branch for a report of the newest features. Since we cut releases weekly, you should have access to all the latest features in the last week by using the latest tag. However, if you wish to use the very latest developments as they are added throughout the week, you can run the image with the main tag: just type instead of everywhere.

Do not forget to pull the docker image from time to time:

docker pull

Run it with the following command:

$ docker run --rm -v <your-spec-directory>:/var/apalache <args>

To create an alias pointing to the main version:

$ alias apalache='docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/var/apalache'

Building an image

For an end user, there is no need to build an Apalache image. If you like to produce a modified docker image, take into account that it will take about 30 minutes for the image to get built, due to compilation times of Microsoft Z3. To build a docker image of Apalache, issue the following command in $APALACHE_HOME:

$ docker image build -t apalache:0.7.0 .