Invariants: state, action, and trace

Until recently, Apalache only supported checking of state invariants. A state invariant is a predicate over state variables and constants. State invariants are, by far, the most common ones. Recently, we have added support for action invariants and trace invariants. Action properties were highlighted by Hillel Wayne; they can be checked with action invariants. Trace invariants let us reason about finite executions.

State invariants

You have probably seen state invariants before. Consider the following specification.

---------------------------- MODULE Invariants --------------------------------
EXTENDS Integers, Sequences, FiniteSets

    \* @typeAlias: set = Set(Int);
    \* @typeAlias: state = { In: $set, Done: $set, Out: $set };
    \* @type: $set;
    \* @type: $set;
    \* @type: $set;

\* @type: <<$set, $set, $set>>;
vars == <<In, Done, Out>>

Init ==
    /\ \E S \in SUBSET (1..5):
        /\ Cardinality(S) > 2
        /\ In = S
    /\ Done = {}
    /\ Out = {}

Next ==
    \/ \E x \in In:
        /\ In' = In \ { x }
        /\ Done' = Done \union { x }
        /\ Out' = Out \union { 2 * x }
    \/ In = {} /\ UNCHANGED vars

\* state invariants that reason about individual states

StateInv ==
    Done \intersect In = {}

BuggyStateInv ==
    Done \subseteq In

We let you guess what this specification is doing. As for its properties, it contains two state invariants:

  • Predicate StateInv that states Done \intersect In = {}, and
  • Predicate BuggyStateInv that states Done \subseteq In.

We call these predicates state invariants, as we expect them to hold in every state of an execution. To check, whether these invariants hold true, we run Apalache as follows:

$ apalache check --inv=StateInv Invariants.tla
Checker reports no error up to computation length 10
$ apalache check --inv=BuggyStateInv Invariants.tla
State 1: state invariant 0 violated. Check the counterexample in: counterexample.tla, MC.out, counterexample.json

The standard footprint: By default, Apalache checks executions of length up to 10 steps.

Action invariants

Let's have a look at two other predicates in Invariants.tla:

\* action invariants that reason about transitions (consecutive pairs of states)

ActionInv ==
    \/ In = {}
    \/ \E x \in Done':
        Done' = Done \union { x }

BuggyActionInv ==
    Cardinality(In') = Cardinality(In) + 1

Can you see a difference between ActionInv & BuggyActionInv and StateInv & BuggyStateInv?

You have probably noticed that ActionInv as well as BuggyActionInv use unprimed variables and primed variables. So they let us reason about two consecutive states of an execution. They are handy for checking specification progress. Similar to state invariants, we can check, whether action invariants hold true by running Apalache as follows:

$ apalache check --inv=ActionInv Invariants.tla
Checker reports no error up to computation length 10
$ apalache check --inv=BuggyActionInv Invariants.tla
State 0: action invariant 0 violated. Check the counterexample in: counterexample.tla, MC.out, counterexample.json

There is no typo in the CLI arguments above: You pass action invariants the same way as you pass state invariants. Preprocessing in Apalache is clever enough to figure out, what kind of invariant it is dealing with.

Trace invariants

Let's have a look at the following two predicates in Invariants.tla:

\* trace invariants that reason about executions

\* @type: Seq($state) => Bool;
TraceInv(hist) ==
    \/ hist[Len(hist)].In /= {}
    \* note that we are using the last state in the history and the first one
    \/ { 2 * x: x \in hist[1].In } = hist[Len(hist)].Out

\* @type: Seq($state) => Bool;
BuggyTraceInv(hist) ==
    \/ hist[Len(hist)].In /= {}
    \* note that we are using the last state in the history and the first one
    \/ { 3 * x: x \in hist[1].In } = hist[Len(hist)].Out

These predicates are quite different from state invariants and action invariants. Both TraceInv and BuggyTraceInv accept the parameter hist, which store the execution history as a sequence of records. Having the execution history, you can check plenty of interesting properties. For instance, you can check, whether the result of an execution somehow matches the input values.

$ apalache check --inv=TraceInv Invariants.tla
Checker reports no error up to computation length 10
$ apalache check --inv=BuggyTraceInv Invariants.tla
State 3: trace invariant 0 violated. Check the counterexample in: counterexample.tla, MC.out, counterexample.json

Trace invariants are quite powerful. You can write down temporal properties as trace invariants. However, we recommend using trace invariants for testing, as they are too powerful. For verification, you should use temporal properties.