Building from source

  1. Install git.
  2. Install the Eclipse Temurin or Zulu builds of OpenJDK 17.
  3. Install sbt.
    • On Debian Linux or Ubuntu, follow this guide
    • On Arch: sudo pacman -Syu sbt
    • On macOS / Homebrew: brew install sbt
  4. Clone the git repository: git clone
  5. Change into the project directory: cd apalache.
  6. Install direnv and run direnv allow, or use another way to set up the shell environment.
  7. To build and package Apalache for development purposes, run make.
    • To skip running the tests, you can run make package.
  8. To build and package Apalache for releases and end-user distribution, run make dist.
  9. The distribution package will be built to ./target/universal/apalache-<VERSION>, and you can move this wherever you'd like, and ensure that the <dist-package-location>/bin directory is added to your PATH.

Running from within the Apalache repo

If you prefer to keep the built package inside of the Apalache source repository, you have three options after running make:

  • Add the ./bin directory in the source repository to your PATH, which will make apalache-mc available.
  • Install direnv and run direnv allow, which will put apalache-mc in your path when you are inside the Apalache repo directory.
  • Run ./bin/apalache-mc directly.