An example TLA+ specification

We introduce a TLA+ specification that we use to discuss features of Apalache in the following sections. Its source code can be found in test/tla/y2k.tla:

-------------------------------- MODULE y2k --------------------------------
 * A simple specification of a year counter that is subject to the Y2K problem.
 * In this specification, a registration office keeps records of birthdays and
 * issues driver's licenses. As usual, a person may get a license, if they
 * reached a certain age, e.g., age of 18. The software engineers never thought
 * of their program being used until the next century, so they stored the year
 * of birth using only two digits (who would blame them, the magnetic tapes
 * were expensive!). The new millenium came with new bugs.
 * This is a made up example, not reflecting any real code.
 * To learn more about Y2K, check:
 * Igor Konnov, January 2020

EXTENDS Integers
    \* @type: Int;
    BIRTH_YEAR, \* the year to start with, between 0 and 99
    \* @type: Int;
    LICENSE_AGE    \* the minimum age to obtain a license
ASSUME(BIRTH_YEAR \in 0..99)              
ASSUME(LICENSE_AGE \in 1..99)              
    \* @type: Int;
    \* @type: Bool;

Age == year - BIRTH_YEAR 

Init ==
    /\ year = BIRTH_YEAR
    /\ hasLicense = FALSE
NewYear ==
    /\ year' = (year + 1) % 100 \* the programmers decided to use two digits
    /\ UNCHANGED hasLicense
IssueLicense ==
    /\ Age >= LICENSE_AGE
    /\ hasLicense' = TRUE
    /\ UNCHANGED year
Next ==
    \/ NewYear
    \/ IssueLicense

\* The somewhat "obvious" invariant, which is violated    
Safety ==
    hasLicense => (Age >= LICENSE_AGE)